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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

He did it!!

Milestone: Standing without any support for....... 10 secs! :P

Ha ha, this might not be a very big achievement but to me, I was so happy to see him try...
Actually I think Monster O doesn't know that he is standing without any support.
He was actually leaning against a small table, playing with a ball
As the table is small, it is not really able to take his weight.. So as he was throwing the ball, then table actually slide away bit by bit...
I was sitting next to him, my hand on his waist and watching the table slide further away bit by bit.. and I also remove my hand bit by bit...
And finally, my monster stood on his own 2 tiny feet!!!!!!!!!!!
After a while he starts to wobble and I brought my hand and the table back again : P
This might be a small small achievement but I am still very very proud of my monster : D

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